Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products
rvtol+news at
Thu Mar 23 08:14:17 EST 2006
wkehowski at schreef:
> The solution that would have the most utility would be one where the
> elements are generated one-by-one, loop-like, so that they can be used
> in the body of a loop, and to avoid the fact that even with exclusion
> the cardinality of the target set EX^n could be in the millions even
> with a full list of wc's, that is, a list containing at least one wc
> of every length in 2..(n-1). I don't know enough Lisp, Haskell or
> Qi/Prolog to know if the solutions so far can be modified to do this.
> The Python program is too slow for large sets.
Use a bitmapping, see also
news:dvlqqi$2764$1 at
Detect the exclusions with a bitwise AND.
Affijn, Ruud
"Gewoon is een tijger."
echo 014C8A26C5DB87DBE85A93DBF |perl -pe 'tr/0-9A-F/JunkshoP cartel,/'
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