ANNOUNCE: xlrd 0.5.2 -- extract data from Excel spreadsheets

John Machin sjmachin at
Sat Mar 18 19:01:17 EST 2006

On 19/03/2006 8:31 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce a new general release (0.5.2) of xlrd, a Python
>> package for extracting data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
> How does xlrd compare with pyexcelerator? At a glance they look pretty 
> similar.

I have an obvious bias, so I'll just leave you with a not-very-PC 
analogy to think about:

Depending on the ambient light and the quantity of mead drunk in the 
hall, Helen of Troy and Grendel's mum might at a glance look pretty 
similar, too. Perhaps a more thorough investigation is needed. What 
about your requirements: a partner for the graduation ball, or someone 
to lift the truck off you when the jack collapses?


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