clear memory? how?
Ben C
spamspam at spam.eggs
Tue May 9 11:37:19 EDT 2006
On 2006-05-09, Diez B. Roggisch <deets at> wrote:
> N/A wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am learning Python. Just wondering how to clear saved memory in
>> Python? Like in Matlab I can simply use "clear all" to clear all saved
>> memory.
> You don't - python does it for you. It is called garbage collection. All you
> have to to is get into granny-mode(tm): forget about things. That means:
> once an object is not referenced by your code anymore, it will be cleaned
> up.
I think Matlab's "clear all" is more like what you might call "del all"
in python.
You could perhaps define it like this:
def clearall():
all = [var for var in globals() if var[0] != "_"]
for var in all:
del globals()[var]
This deletes any global not starting with an _, since it's probably
inadvisable to delete this lot:
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, '__file__':
'/etc/pythonstart', '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None}
More correct I suppose might be something like this:
def clearall():
all = [var for var in globals() if "__" not in (var[:2], var[-2:])]
for var in all:
del globals()[var]
since I think magic things always start and end with __.
Looking briefly at GNU octave which is similar to MatLab, clear all may
also del all the locals; so you can do something similar with the
builtin function locals().
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