Time to bundle PythonWin

Tim N. van der Leeuw tim.leeuwvander at nl.unisys.com
Wed May 17 04:47:39 EDT 2006

John Bokma wrote:
> "Robert Hicks" <sigzero at gmail.com> wrote:
> > No it isn't.
> Learn to quote when you use Google's Usenet garbage.

I don't know why you consider it 'garbage', using it myself for this
'contribution', but quoting isn't hard using google groups. Just
clicking the right links instead of the 'reply' link beneath the

On-Topic: I'd welcome PythonWin added to the Python Windows MSI
installer too, for purposes similar to the O-Ps.
Do not possess the necessary skill to write patches, but still voting
in favor.


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