Slicing Issues

BJ Swope bigblueswope at
Sun May 21 17:32:13 EDT 2006

On 5/21/06, Heiko Wundram <me+python at> wrote:
> Am Sonntag 21 Mai 2006 22:52 schrieb BJ Swope:
> >     district_combo=line[85:3]
> This returns the slice from character 85 to character 3 in the string,
> read
> forwards. Basically, as Python slices are forgiving (because the borders
> are
> actually "illogical"), this amounts to nothing, but could also amount
> to: "your indexing boundaries are invalid."
> Basically, what you want is:
> district_combo = line[85:88]
> where 88 = 85 + 3 (3 being the length). Read up on Python slices...
> --- Heiko.
> --


Thank you.  I was thinking like mysql for the indexs.  Thinking start at 85
and go for 3 characters instead of like python start at x and go up to and
including y.

The pages I had googled showed examples that were less than clear ;)


We are all slave to our own paradigm. -- Joshua Williams
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