self modifying code
Robin Becker
robin at
Mon May 1 11:02:07 EDT 2006
taleinat at wrote:
> Yes, my implementation was less efficient because of the extra function
> call.
>> class Weird(object):
>> @staticmethod
>> def __call__(arg):
>> data = 42
>> def func(arg):
>> return arg+data
>> Weird.__call__ = staticmethod(func)
>> return func(arg)
>> c = Weird()
ugh indeed
> Ugh... you've used a class just like a function. You can't have two
> different objects of this class, since you are overriding a static
> method of the class! And you've hard-coded the data into the class
> definition. Yes, it works, but I would never, ever trust such code to
> someone else to maintain.
> And you'll have to manually define such a class for every such
> function. That's not very Pythonic.
no arguments here
> Here's a reusable function that will define such a class for you, as
> well as hide most of the ugliness (in fact, it supports -exactly- the
> same interface as my previous implementation):
> def InitializingFunction(func):
> class temp:
> @staticmethod
> def __call__(*args, **kw):
> temp.__call__ = staticmethod(func())
> return temp.__call__(*args, **kw)
> return temp()
> @InitializingFunction
> def func():
> data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
> def foo(a):
> return simple(data, a)
> return foo
I already tried this kind of factory function, but in fact I think the
original global test version outperforms even the statically coded Weird
data = None
def d(arg):
global data
if data is None:
data = 42
return arg+data
def e():
data = 43
def foo(a):
return data+a
return foo
are both better than any except the global function replacement nonsense
C:\Tmp>\Python\lib\ -s"from dingo import d;d(0)" d(1)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.556 usec per loop
C:\Tmp>\Python\lib\ -s"from dingo import e;e(0)" e(1)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.09 usec per loop
but the structured approach is still twice as slow as the simplistic one :(
Robin Becker
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