design a Condition class
bruno at modulix
onurb at xiludom.gro
Fri May 12 08:55:28 EDT 2006
joh12005 at wrote:
> Hello,
> i posted for suggestions a little idea even if it still needs further
> thoughts but as i'm sure you could help :)
> if would like to implement some kind of Condition class which i coud
> use to build bricks of more complex condition, conditions are based on
> fields by using regexp
> class Condition:
Do yourself a favor and use newstyle classes:
class Condition(object):
> def __init__(self, field0, field1, field2):
> self.field0 = field0
> self.field1 = field1
> self.field2 = field2
> def match(self, against):
> w, t, l = against
> f0 = False
> if self.field0 is None:
> f0 = True
> else:
> f0 =
> if self.field1 is None:
> f1 = True
> else:
> f1 =
> if self.field2 is None:
> f2 = True
> else:
> f2 =
> return f0 and f1 and f2
> c0 = Condition(re.compile("something"), None,
> re.compile("somethingelse"))
> c1 = Condition(re.compile("another"), None, None)
> i can use
> if
Have you actually tested this ?-)
(hint : the method name is 'match', not 'search')
> but i would like to be able to have composition such as :
> c2 = c0 | c1
> which should be understood as defining a new c2 which is able to match
> (c0 or c1) from c0 and c1 already defined.
> actually i can imagine a
> def OR(c0, c1):
> # here => missing None support 'a or None' is 'a'
> return Condition(re.compile("|".join((c0.field0.pattern,
> c1.field0.pattern)),
> re.compile("|".join((c0.field1.pattern,
> c1.field1.pattern)),
> re.compile("|".join((c0.field2.pattern,
> c1.field2.pattern))
> the idea is to build c2 = Condition(re.compile("something|another"),
> None, re.compile("somethingelse"))
> c2 = OR(c0, c1)
> but maybe have you clever suggestions ?
use the __or__(self, other) special method.
Here is a somewhat rewritten, hopefully more pythonic version - will
need some more works, specially wrt/ error handling :
class Condition(object):
def __init__(self, *exps):
self._exps = exps
def match(self, *targets):
# don't know how you want to handle this case
assert len(targets) == len(self._exps), \
"expected %d args, got %d" % (len(self._exps), len(targets))
for exp, target in zip(self._exps, targets):
# takes care of None in the expression list
if not (exp is None or
return False
return True
def __or__(self, other):
""" cf
# I let you take care of all error handling...
# take care of what happens if
# len(other._exps) != len(self._exps)
# NB : itertools might be of some help here
exps = [re.compile("(%s)|(%s)" % (e1.pattern, e2.pattern)) \
for e1, e2 in zip(self._exps, other._exps)]
return self.__class__(*exps)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"
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