Conversion of perl based regex to python method

Andrew Robert andrew.arobert at
Wed May 24 14:24:55 EDT 2006

Andrew Robert wrote:
> I have two Perl expressions
> If windows:
> perl -ple "s/([^\w\s])/sprintf(q#%%%2X#, ord $1)/ge"  somefile.txt
> If posix
> perl -ple 's/([^\w\s])/sprintf("%%%2X", ord $1)/ge'  somefile.txt
> The [^\w\s]  is a negated expression stating that any character
> a-zA-Z0-9_, space or tab is ignored.
> The () captures whatever matches and throws it into the $1 for
> processing by the sprintf
> In this case, %%%2X which is a three character hex value.
> How would you convert this to a python equivalent using the re or
> similar module?
> I've begun reading about using re expressions at
> but I am still hazy on implementation.
> Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Andy
Okay.. I got part of it..

The code/results below seem to do the first part of the expression.

I believe the next part is iterating across each of the characters,
evaluate the results and replace with hex as needed.

# Import the module
import re

# Open test file

# Read in a sample line

# Compile expression to exclude all characters plus space/tab

# Look to see if I can find a non-standard character
# from test line  #! C:\Python24\Python


# gotcha!
print var
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x009DA8E0

# I got


# See if pattern will come back with something it shouldn't
var =pattern.match('C')
print var

#I got

Instead of being so linear, I was thinking that this might be closer.
Got to figure out the hex line but then we are golden

# Evaluate captured character as hex
def ret_hex(ch):
    return chr((ord(ch) + 1) % )

# Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
def eval_match(match):
    return ret_hex(

# open file
file = open(r'm:\mq\mq\scripts\testme.txt','r')

# Read each line, pass any matches on line to function
for line in file.readlines():
     re.sub('[^\w\s]',eval_match, line)

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