None at none.none
Tue May 30 15:50:38 EDT 2006
On Tue, 30 May 2006 16:15:44 +1000, John McMonagle wrote:
> Tue, 2006-05-30 at 00:23 -0500, WIdgeteye wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 May 2006 04:34:03 +0000, Tim Roberts wrote:
>> > WIdgeteye <None at none.none> wrote:
>> >>HI,
>> >>I am trying to write a little program that will run a program on
>> >>scedule. I am having trouble understanding the datetime, time, sched
>> >>modules. What I would like is something like this:
>> >>
>> >>If date&time = 06-13-2006:18:00:00
>> >>Then run this program
>> >>
>> >>I am not sure how to enter a future date in this equation using any of
>> >>the modules mentioned above. I have figured out how to get the date
>> >>and time from the modules above but not the future and then compare
>> >>the two.
>> >
>> > What operating system are you using? Both Linux and Windows have
>> > commands that can do this for you. It's more efficient to use
>> > existing operating system services than to invent your own.
>> >
>> > Also, remember to take into account the possibility that your program
>> > might not check the time at the exact second. In your example, you
>> > need to be prepared to start your app if the time is just PAST 6 PM on
>> > June 13.
>> I am using Linux and could use cron. But I want to be able to schedule
>> and record television shows on her. And yeah I know about freevo but
>> it's way to complicated than it needs to be.
>> So back to the question: How can I get a 9 position tuple from the time
>> functions in Python based on a future date.
> Tim Roberts is right. As you are on linux, I suggest you investigate the
> at command - very user friendly and not at all complicated.
I have been using Slackware for over 10 years I know all about the
commands on the OS.
If you guys don't have an answer to the question just say so. But don't
give me suggestions on how to use an OS I have been using most likely
longer than 90% of the people using linux today.
This is the comp.lang.python news group not the linux news group. If I
didn't want to write the Python code and I wanted to use the OS commands
instead I would.
Python is cross platform. Linux is not. I intend to release the software
to the general public someday when it is done. I want it cross platform.
BTW in the time it took me NOT to get an answer for my question in this so
called Python NG, I figured it out for myself.
This PYTHON NG blows to high heaven. Whats worse, the answers I got were
most likely from people who know SQUAT about Python scripting. That's why
they gave me such lame fucking answers.
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