syntax for -c cmd
Paul McGuire
ptmcg at
Wed May 10 18:35:27 EDT 2006
"James" <hslee911 at> wrote in message
news:1147284798.136873.237730 at
> Wrong syntax is shown below. What should be the delimiter before else?
> python -c 'if 1==1: print "yes"; else print "no"'
> James
So you can approximate this same logic with a boolean expression:
print (1==1 and "yes" or "no")
This is because Python short-circuits boolean and's and or's, and returns
the last evaluated value. So the expanded logic here is:
evaluate 1==1 -> True
evaluate "yes" -> True - we are done, return "yes"
if the expression were (math.pi==3 and "yes" or "no"), we would get:
evaluate math.pi==3 -> False
(skip evaluation of "yes", first part failed so go straight to or term)
evaluate "no" -> well, doesn't matter if this is True or False, it's the
last thing we have to evaluate, return it
Generally this gets idiomatically expressed as:
(condition and trueConditionValue or falseConditionValue)
This is currently (Python 2.4) the closest Python gets to C's ternary
operator. Note that there are some risks, for example, this rendition
*wont* work.
numberOfApples = 1
print "I have %d apple%s" % ( numberOfApples, (numberOfApples ==1 and "" or
This is because "" evaluates boolean-ly to False, so the conditional
conjunction of (numberOfApples==1) and "" is False, so we continue to
evaluate the expression, and wind up printing "I have 1 apples".
The resolution is to invert the test:
numberOfApples = 1
print "I have %d apple%s" % ( numberOfApples, (numberOfApples !=1 and "s" or
(If I have zero of something, I prefer to say "I have 0 somethings" - if you
like to say "I have 0 something" then make the test read (numberOfApples > 1
and "s" or "") )
In the coming 2.5 version of Python, there is a ternary-like expression:
numberOfApples = 1
print "I have %d apple%s" % ( numberOfApples, ("" if numberOfApples ==1 else
Python 2.5 is still in preliminary releases though, and will not be
generally available until this coming fall. This will allow you to spell
out if-then-else conditions on the command line. In general scripting,
though, compaction of code into one-liners is not always considered a
virtue. This code:
print "I have %s apple%s" % (numberOfApples==0 and "no" or numberOfApples,
numberOfApples !=1 and "s" or "")
will not win you points with your software maintenance team.
-- Paul
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