bruno at modulix
onurb at xiludom.gro
Fri May 12 12:22:33 EDT 2006
Martin Blume wrote:
> "bruno at modulix" schrieb
>>def deco(func):
>> print "decorating %s" % func.__name__
>> def _wrapper(*args, **kw):
>> print "%s called " % func.__name__
>> res = func(*args, **kw)
>> print "%s returned %s" % (func.__name__, str(res))
> return res
> ^^^^^^^^^^
> Shouldn't here be a return res, so that wrapper
> behaves like the original function?
oops, my bad :(
And yes, of course.
>> return _wrapper
>># python < 2.4
>>def somefunc():
>> print "in somefunc"
>> return 42
>>somefunc = deco(somefunc)
> Thanks for the explanation.
> Another question: Isn't decorating / wrapping usually
> done at runtime,
It is. I mean, using decorator syntax, this is done during import, which
happens at runtime.
> so that the @deco notation is pretty
> useless (because you'd have to change the original
> code)?
I don't understand your question.
> What do I miss here?
Ok, I get it (well, I think...).
The use case for @decorator is for wrapping functions or method *in the
module/class itself*. It's not for module client code (but this of
course doesn't prevent client code to dynamically add other wrappers...)
One of the primary use case makes this pretty clear IHMO : classmethod
and staticmethod :
# python < 2.4:
class Cleese(object):
def doSillyWalk(cls):
doSillyWalk = classmethod(doSillyWalk)
# python >= 2.4:
class Cleese(object):
def doSillyWalk(cls):
Another example : CherryPy uses decorators to mark methods which are
'published' (ie: are action controllers responding to a given URL)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"
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