multiline strings and proper indentation/alignment
bruno at modulix
onurb at xiludom.gro
Wed May 10 06:43:47 EDT 2006
John Salerno wrote:
> Gary Herron wrote:
>> Gary John Salerno wrote:
>>> How do you make a single string span multiple lines, but also allow
>>> yourself to indent the second (third, etc.) lines so that it lines up
>>> where you want it, without causing the newlines and tabs or spaces to
>>> be added to the string as well?
>>> Example (pretend this is all on one line):
>>> self.DTD = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML
>>> 4.01//EN"\n"">\n\n'
>>> I want it to read:
>>> self.DTD = '''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"\n
>>> "">\n\n'''
>>> Or anything like that, but I don't want the extra newline or tabs to
>>> be a part of the string when it's printed.
>>> Thanks.
>> The textwrap module has a function to do just the thing you want.
>> *dedent*( text)
>> Remove any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the left of
>> every line in text.
>> This is typically used to make triple-quoted strings
>> line up with the left edge of screen/whatever, while still
>> presenting it in the source code in indented form.
>> Gary Herron
> But does this do anything to the newline character that gets added to
> the end of the first line?
Why not trying by yourself ?-)
>>> import textwrap
>>> s = """
... this is a multiline
... triple-quted string with
... indentation for nicer code formatting
... """
>>> print s
this is a multiline
triple-quted string with
indentation for nicer code formatting
>>> print textwrap.dedent(s)
this is a multiline
triple-quted string with
indentation for nicer code formatting
Obviously, you have to strip newlines yourself. Let's try:
>>> print textwrap.dedent(s.strip())
this is a multiline
triple-quted string with
indentation for nicer code formatting
Mmm. Not good. Let's try again:
>>> print textwrap.dedent(s).strip()
this is a multiline
triple-quted string with
indentation for nicer code formatting
Well, seems like we're done. About 2'30'' to solve the problem.
FWIW, reading textwrap's doc may be useful to - no need to reinvent the
SquaredWheel(tm) if the rounded version already exists !-)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"
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