Using python for a CAD program
63q2o4i02 at
63q2o4i02 at
Tue May 16 15:17:30 EDT 2006
Cool. thanks for the links. I've already looked around quite a bit,
and am very hesitant to just write more shit on top of other shit. The
idea behind this is it's completely mine. So yes, I have a tendency to
want to reinvent a few wheels, but I think it'll give me greater
satisfaction. The problem with geda, etc., is that it's taking the
unix approach -- a buncha little command line tools that somehow make a
"system", using text files as communication medium. I hate that,
largely because it allows the infectious spread of little files all
over your system, encourages people to write scripts from outside the
system that probably won't work for you, and exposes the user
unnecessarily to the implementation of where you keep files,
directories, blabla. I'm more of the windows approach, where you have
one integrated environment, and any text you type is from within the
application itself, and most application-related data is hidden from
the user unless he *really* wants to get at it. (disclosure: I've
never actually installed geda, but I tried icarus once and couldn't get
it to compile -- another bane of open source stuff I can't stand. I'm
not a CS person, so when I download something, I just want it to work,
and I don't get off trying to *make* it work...). Another reason for
doing this on my own is that I'd like a general-purpose CAD/design
framework, of which electrical/IC design is only one part. Also, I
think geda simulations are spice-based, which is batch, which is sooo
your-father's buick, which I hate as much as text files... aaand
another thing is I'm very big on user-experience. I'd like my program
to *look* slick, like it belongs in a movie or something. I think that
means starting from scratch, since I've not seen any CAD program take
any artistic/human/psychological approach to its design.
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