python vs perl lines of code
akameswaran at
akameswaran at
Thu May 18 18:44:10 EDT 2006
Thank you Ed for your eloquent statement. From now on I will avoid
humor in posts on this thread , my previous attempts were not useful or
productive - and I think there is something interesting in this
It might be interesting to come up with a coding assignment for
developers to attempt in both perl and python. Ask the developers to
submit such items as length of time coding in each language, which they
think is their "stronger" language, age, level of formal education in
computer science and related, number of years programming all together,
country of origni, Operating System perference, etc.
Then perform analysis on the code an attempt to normalize for the above
factors. In addtion to line/char counts we could look at execution
time, memory consumption, number of detected bugs.
Of course this means getting a bunch of developers interested in the
task - and the words of Andrew Tannenbaum come to mind. But it would
still be interesting - perhaps nothing could be proven - but that in
itself might be useful. Physical beauty in humans is an area where
some quantitifiable analysis can be performed (referring to a strong
correlation between symmetry and percieved beauty). Beauty in poetry -
to the best of my knowledge - has never been shown itself to be subject
to quantitative analysis. Sometimes knowing what doesn't work - and
proving it doesn't work - can be very useful.
Don't believe me? Thgis is a bad example, but look at hidden variables
theorems in quantum physics. Back the 40's Turing provided (a flawed)
proof that no hidden variables theory could explain the quantum effects
witnessed. Hence no viable hidden variable theories were even posited
and this area of research nearly died out. It has had a slight
resurgance, after Turing's proof was found to relate to specific subset
of hidden variable theorems, rather than a truly generic proof. But I
think it illustrates the value of proving a negative.
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