Erronous "unsupported locale setting" ?

robert no-spam at no-spam-no-spam.invalid
Mon Nov 6 09:18:29 EST 2006

Leo Kislov wrote:
> robert wrote:
>> Why can the default locale not be set by its true name? but only by '' ? :
> Probably it is just not implemented. But since locale names are system
> specific (For example windows accepts 'ch' as Chinese in Taiwan, where
> as IANA <>
> considers it Chamorro) setlocale should probably grow an additional
> keyword parameter: setlocale(LC_ALL, iana='de-DE')

that'd be another fat database to blow up the python core(s).

I just wonder why locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,"de_DE") doesn't accept the name, which 
>>> locale.getlocale() / getdefaultlocale()
('de_DE', 'cp1252') 
already deliver ?

but only this works 

>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'German_Germany.1252')

But 'German_Germany.1252' you cannot get/guess from any locale.getxxxx function I think ... 


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