multi split function taking delimiter list

Raymond Hettinger python at
Tue Nov 14 15:16:09 EST 2006

martinskou at wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for something like:
> multi_split( 'a:=b+c' , [':=','+'] )
> returning:
> ['a', ':=', 'b', '+', 'c']
> whats the python way to achieve this, preferably without regexp?

I think regexps are likely the right way to do this kind of

The string split() method doesn't return the split value so that is
less than helpful for your application:   'a=b'.split()  -->  ['a',

The new str.partition() method will return the split value and is
suitable for successive applications:  'a:=b+c'.partition(':=')  -->
('a', ':=', 'b+c')

FWIW, when someone actually does want something that behaves like
str.split() but with multiple split values, one approach is to replace
each of the possible splitters with a single splitter:

def multi_split(s, splitters):
    first = splitters[0]
    for splitter in splitters:
        s = s.replace(splitter, first)
    return s.split(first)

print multi_split( 'a:=b+c' , [':=','+'] ) 


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