NEWBIE: Script help needed

Nick Vatamaniuc vatamane at
Sun Nov 5 03:42:23 EST 2006

If the other commands work but 3) doesn't, it means there is something
different (wrong?) with the command.

So try running 3) ,  then one of the other ones and see the difference.

The getCommandOutput() , I suspect,  just waits for the data from the
actual command and the command is not returning anything. It could be
because it just takes way too long (I am not familiar with Gentoo, so
not sure if emerge world takes 1 second or 24 hours...) or perhaps the
"emerge -uvp world" stops at some point and is waiting for input (a
command prompt like "are you sure you want to do this [Y/n]?"

For more in depth on subprocesses in Python take a look at the
subprocess module:

Hope this helps,
Nick V.

Lorenzo wrote:
> I have this script that I want to use weekly to send me email with
> information regarding disk space and available upgrades for my system.
> This script is actually a learning tool for me as I learn Python. The
> problem I've run into has me stumped and I need some help. What happens
> is when the script runs it does these things, parses the result and
> appends that to an html string:
> 1) checks disk space by using df -t reiserfs
> 2) runs time emerge --sync
> 3) runs emerge -uvp world
> 4) runs emerge -uv --fetchonly world
> The 'emerge' command is a Gentoo specific one. If I remove step 3),
> everything else runs just fine, the email is sent and I receive what I
> expect. But when step 3) is allowed to run, even if its the only command
> that runs, it hangs somewhere in the function getCommandOutput. If I try
> and debug the command, it appears to hang on this line:
> err = child.wait()
> I suspect a race condition, but I'm not sure how to proceed, can someone
> lend me a hand. Here is the script I wrote, I got the command
> getCommandOutput from this site:
> [code]
> #!/usr/bin/python
> ################################
> ################################
> import os, re, smtplib, MimeWriter, mimetools, cStringIO, popen2, fcntl,
> select, pdb
> cmd = 'df -t reiserfs'
> finalList = []
> theOutput = []
> text = "This realy should be in HTML"
> html = "<html>\
> <head>\
> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1\">\
> </head>\
> <BODY><BR><font color='green'><em>Disk Utilization on
> Hedley:</em></font><BR>"
> out = cStringIO.StringIO()
> writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out)
> txtin = cStringIO.StringIO(text)
> def createhtmlmail (html, text, subject):
>          """Create a mime-message that will render HTML in popular
>       MUAs, text in better ones"""
>    import MimeWriter
>    import mimetools
>    import cStringIO
>    out = cStringIO.StringIO() # output buffer for our message
>    htmlin = cStringIO.StringIO(html)
>    txtin = cStringIO.StringIO(text)
>    writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out)
>    #
>    # set up some basic headers... we put subject here
>    # because smtplib.sendmail expects it to be in the
>    # message body
>    #
>    writer.addheader("Subject", subject)
>    writer.addheader("MIME-Version", "1.0")
>    writer.addheader("From", "Hedley at")
>       writer.addheader("To", "lorenzo at")
>    #
>    # start the multipart section of the message
>    # multipart/alternative seems to work better
>    # on some MUAs than multipart/mixed
>    #
>    writer.startmultipartbody("alternative")
>    writer.flushheaders()
>    #
>    # the plain text section
>    #
>    subpart = writer.nextpart()
>    subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
>    pout = subpart.startbody("text/plain", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
>    mimetools.encode(txtin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
>    txtin.close()
>    #
>    # start the html subpart of the message
>    #
>    subpart = writer.nextpart()
>    subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
>    #
>    # returns us a file-ish object we can write to
>    #
>    pout = subpart.startbody("text/html", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
>    mimetools.encode(htmlin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
>    htmlin.close()
>    #
>    # Now that we're done, close our writer and
>    # return the message body
>    #
>    writer.lastpart()
>    msg = out.getvalue()
>    out.close()
>    print msg
>    return msg
> def makeNonBlocking(fd):
>     fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
>     try:
>    fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NDELAY)
>     except AttributeError:
>    fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | fcntl.FNDELAY)
> def getCommandOutput(command):
>     theOutput = []
>     child = popen2.Popen3(command, 1) # capture stdout and stderr from
> command
>     child.tochild.close()             # don't need to talk to child
>     outfile = child.fromchild
>     outfd = outfile.fileno()
>     errfile = child.childerr
>     errfd = errfile.fileno()
>     makeNonBlocking(outfd)            # don't deadlock!
>     makeNonBlocking(errfd)
>     outdata = errdata = ''
>     outeof = erreof = 0
>     while 1:
>    ready =[outfd,errfd],[],[]) # wait for input
>    if outfd in ready[0]:
>        outchunk =
>        if outchunk == '': outeof = 1
>        outdata = outdata + outchunk
>    if errfd in ready[0]:
>        errchunk =
>        if errchunk == '': erreof = 1
>        errdata = errdata + errchunk
>    if outeof and erreof: break
>[],[],[],.1) # give a little time for buffers to fill
>    err = child.wait()
>     if err != 0:
>    raise RuntimeError, '%s failed w/ exit code %d\n%s' % (command, err,
> errdata)
>     theOutput.append(outdata)
>     theOutput.append(errdata)
>     return theOutput
> #Run df and get the disk info
> output =  os.popen(cmd)
> # match two or more spaces, the header line has a sngle
> # space between the 'Mouted on' field
> # We need to keep those together
> # The other spaces are the separation in the field headers
> # To get the output from df down to just the field headers
> # and the data, we need to match 2 or more spaces
> # -1 eliminates the \n at the end of output.
> # We'll get it back when we write each line to the
> # mail message, I suspect
> html += "<font color='blue'>"
> for lines in output.readlines():
>    p = re.compile('\ +')
>    formattedText = p.subn('      ', lines[:-1], 5)
>    html += formattedText[0] + '<BR>'
> html += "</font>"
> mydata = getCommandOutput("time emerge --sync")
> p = re.compile('\ +')
> p.subn(' ', mydata[1])[0]
> p = re.compile('\n')
> string = (p.subn('<BR>', mydata[1]))[0]
> html += "<BR><BR><em><font color='green'>Sync Time: " + "<BR>" +
> "</font></em>" + "<font color='blue'>" + string + "</font>"
> mydata = ""
> mydata =  getCommandOutput("emerge -uvp world")
> p = re.compile('\ +')
> (p.subn(' ', mydata[0]))[0]
> p = re.compile('\n')
> html += "<font color='blue'>" + (p.subn('<BR>', mydata[0]))[0] +
> "</font>"
> try:
>    getCommandOutput('emerge -uv --fetchonly world')
>    html += "<font color='Green'><em><BR>Fetch completed
> successfuly!</em></font>"
> except RuntimeError:
>       html += "< font color='Red'><BR>******Fetch did not complete
> successfully!*********</font>"
> html+= '</BODY> </HTML>'
> out = cStringIO.StringIO()
> writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out)
> txtin = cStringIO.StringIO("This should be in HTML")
> subject = "Emerge info and disk utilization on Hedley"
> message = createhtmlmail(html, text, subject)
> server = smtplib.SMTP("hedley")
> server.sendmail('Hedley at', 'lorenzo at', message)
> server.quit()
> [/code]
> --
> "My Break-Dancing days are over, but there's always the Funky Chicken"
> --The Full Monty

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