How do I separate my parameters with spawnv

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Nov 23 06:05:07 EST 2006

Fabio Chelly wrote:

> But when I try to use os.spawnv to excute it from my python code, it 
> doesn't work at all. Here is my code:
> exe = "c:\\curl.exe"
> f = "c:\\upload.txt"
> logon = "login:pwd"
> url = "ftp://ftp-myurl"
> import os
> os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, exe, ["-T", f, "-u", logon, url, "--ftp-ssl"])

iirc, spawnv expects an argv-style list, with the program name as the 
first argument.  try writing the above as

os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, exe, [exe, "-T", f, "-u", logon, url, "--ftp-ssl"])

> Does anyone know How I can execute my command line in python?

the subprocess module is usually much nicer for things like this.


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