Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Kurt B. Kaiser
kbk at shore.net
Thu Nov 30 21:55:20 EST 2006
Patch / Bug Summary
Patches : 407 open ( +1) / 3484 closed ( +5) / 3891 total ( +6)
Bugs : 936 open ( +5) / 6363 closed (+14) / 7299 total (+19)
RFE : 246 open ( +1) / 244 closed ( +0) / 490 total ( +1)
New / Reopened Patches
sys.id() and sys.intern() (2006-11-23)
http://python.org/sf/1601678 opened by Georg Brandl
clarify comparison return values (2006-11-24)
http://python.org/sf/1602128 opened by Jim Jewett
non-framework built python fails to define environ properly (2006-11-23)
http://python.org/sf/1602133 opened by paul
Suggest a textlist() method for ElementTree (2006-11-24)
http://python.org/sf/1602189 opened by Raymond Hettinger
subprocess: error redirecting i/o from non-console process (2006-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1603907 opened by Oren Tirosh
Performance boost for array repeat (2006-11-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1605020 opened by Mike Klaas
Make Imap Error more helpful (2006-11-29)
http://python.org/sf/1605192 opened by Thomas Guettler
vendor-packages directory. (2005-09-22)
http://python.org/sf/1298835 reopened by loewis
Patches Closed
__bool__ instead of __nonzero__ (2006-11-21)
http://python.org/sf/1600346 closed by jackdied
SRE engine do not release the GIL (2005-11-25)
http://python.org/sf/1366311 closed by eric_noyau
Implement lazy read for sockets (2003-12-04)
http://python.org/sf/853963 closed by loewis
Disable POSIX for certain/older NetBSD versions (2003-12-05)
http://python.org/sf/854796 closed by loewis
Performance boost for array repeat (2006-11-28)
http://python.org/sf/1605020 closed by mklaas
New / Reopened Bugs
using python extension(wxPython) in c (2006-11-23)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1601607 opened by jolleydtan
getopt Documentation improvement (2006-11-23)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1601630 opened by Thomas Guettler
Incorrect docs for bisect_left (2006-11-24)
http://python.org/sf/1602378 opened by Daniel Eloff
itemconfigure returns incorrect text property of text items (2006-11-25)
http://python.org/sf/1602742 opened by Wojciech Mula
wave module forgets to close file on exception (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603150 opened by amerinese
wave module forgets to close file on exception (2006-11-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603246 opened by amerinese
pstats module (profiler) doens't support unicode paths (2006-11-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603321 opened by Adal Chiriliuc
def foo(((x))) segfault (2006-11-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603332 opened by Tony Lownds
f=open fails with TypeError (2006-11-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603336 opened by Gibholio
f=open fails with TypeError (2006-11-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603412 opened by Gibholio
subprocess.py (py2.5) wrongly claims py2.2 compatibility (2006-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1603424 opened by Tim Wegener
Python socket library confused by IPV6 notation in /etc/host (2006-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1603527 opened by Eric S. Raymond
SaveConfigParser.write() doesn't quote %-Sign (2006-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1603688 opened by Rebecca Breu
grammatical error in Python Library Reference::Tkinter (2006-11-27)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1603789 opened by Gabriel M. Elder
subprocess.Popen closes fds for sys.stdout or sys.stderr (2006-11-28)
http://python.org/sf/1604851 opened by Nishkar Grover
_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE macro redefinition with VC++ 8 (2006-11-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1604862 opened by William Fulton
logging %(module)s reporting wrong modules (2006-11-29)
http://python.org/sf/1605110 opened by Mad-Marty
csv module broken for unicode (2006-11-30)
http://python.org/sf/1606092 opened by JettLogic
readline on popen3 file returns empty string before end (2006-11-30)
http://python.org/sf/1606233 opened by Bill Wallace
Bugs Closed
utf_8_sig decode fails with buffer input (2006-11-23)
http://python.org/sf/1601501 closed by doerwalter
using python extension(wxPython) in c (2006-11-23)
http://python.org/sf/1601607 closed by loewis
getopt Documentation improvement (2006-11-23)
http://python.org/sf/1601630 closed by gbrandl
ctypes Structure allows recursive definition (2006-11-17)
http://python.org/sf/1598620 closed by theller
2.4 & 2.5 can't create win installer on linux (2006-10-04)
http://python.org/sf/1570417 closed by loewis
wave module forgets to close file on exception (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603246 closed by gbrandl
pstats module (profiler) doens't support unicode paths (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603321 closed by gbrandl
def foo(((x))) segfault (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603332 closed by gbrandl
f=open fails with TypeError (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603336 closed by gbrandl
f=open fails with TypeError (2006-11-26)
http://python.org/sf/1603412 closed by nnorwitz
grammatical error in Python Library Reference::Tkinter (2006-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1603789 closed by gbrandl
read() in windows stops on chr(26) (2006-11-13)
http://python.org/sf/1595822 closed by sf-robot
_ctypes built with GCC on AIX 5.3 fails with ld ffi error (2006-09-23)
http://python.org/sf/1563807 closed by theller
_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE macro redefinition with VC++ 8 (2006-11-28)
http://python.org/sf/1604862 closed by loewis
"make install" for Python 2.4.4 not working properly (2006-10-19)
http://python.org/sf/1580563 closed by sf-robot
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