Wait for a system command executed in the background

Brice mealier_brice at NO_SPAM_yahoo.fr
Sun Nov 5 12:32:39 EST 2006


I am new to python and I am really a bad programmer...

As a linux user, I use quodlibet for listening to music. Quodlibet
allows me to write plugins in python.

I am trying to write a plugins to burn a playlist by using cdrecord, and
this either in dao or tao mode.

The basic of this plugin is the following:

- make a temp directory
- convert the songs in my playlist into wave files in the temp directory
  using mplayer and renaming them with 3 digits number so that the order
of my playlist is conserved
- normalize the wave files
- burn the cd
- delete the temp directory.

At the time, I have a working solution (not fully developped by
myself...), but in this solution os.system is used to start the
different shell commands and the commands do not have a & at the end.
Therefore during the whole execution of the plugin, quodlibet is not

What I would like to is program the whole such that I can use & at the
end of the shell commands and each command to be executed one after the
other! (I tried to put & simply at the end of each shell command with
the result that each where started at the same time)

Here is the plugin:


import os, string, re
import util
import sys
import shutil
from qltk import ErrorMessage
from shutil import copy
from plugins.songsmenu import SongsMenuPlugin

class _Base(SongsMenuPlugin):
     PLUGIN_ICON = 'gtk-cdrom'
     PLUGIN_VERSION = '0.1'

     # XXX : pb potentiel: si deux utilisateurs utilisent ce plugin
     # en meme temps, ils vont se marcher sur les pieds...
     destdir = "/tmp/cd_QL"

     convert_cmd = "mplayer -ao pcm:file=%(dest)s %(source)s"
     normalize_cmd = "normalize -m %(path)s/*.wav"
     burn_cmd = "cdrecord -v -eject %(flags)s -pad -audio
     burn_flags = ''

     def plugin_songs(self, songs):
         if not self.check_mplayer():

                 for num, song in enumerate(songs):
                     self.makewav(song, num)
             except Exception, e:
                     "Unknown error",
                     "An error occured while processing files:\n%s." % e

     def check_mplayer(self):
         if not util.iscommand("mplayer"):
                 "Mplayer not found",
                 "Mplayer is used to convert files in wave files."
             return False
         return True

     def setup(self):

     def makewav(self, song, num):
         source = song['~filename'].replace(" ", "\
         dest = os.path.join(self.destdir, "%03d.wav" % num)
         cmd = self.convert_cmd % dict(source=source, dest=dest)

     def normalize(self):
         os.system(self.normalize_cmd % dict(path=self.destdir))

     def burn(self):
         flags = self.burn_flags
         cmd = self.burn_cmd % dict(path=self.destdir, flags=flags)

     def teardown(self):

class DAO(_Base):
     PLUGIN_ID = 'Burn CD w/o blanks'
     PLUGIN_NAME = _('Burn CD w/o blanks')
     PLUGIN_DESC = 'Burn CD w/o blanks.'
     burn_flags = '-dao'

class TAO(_Base):
     PLUGIN_ID = 'Burn CD with blanks'
     PLUGIN_NAME = _('Burn CD with blanks')
     PLUGIN_DESC = 'Burn CD with blanks.'

# on exporte seulement ces deux classes
__all__ = ['DAO', 'TAO']


and yeah, please consider that I am new to python and do understand
something to the thread!

Thanks in advance

Arch Linux (Linux user nb. 372699)
"Unix IS user friendly, it is just selective about who his friends are"

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