Using SimpleXMLRPCServer in a Windows Service

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Wed Nov 29 03:06:25 EST 2006

At Tuesday 28/11/2006 05:49, Rudy Schockaert wrote:

>I found the problem.
>Actually both pieces of code work now. The problem was that when I run
>the SimpleXMLRPCService in a Windows Service, the STDERR needs to be
>redirected to a real file. I guess some kind of buffer overflow occurs
>when you don't do this.
>I added the following lines:
>def SvcStop(self):
>    sys.stdout = self.stdout
>    sys.stderr = self.stderr
>    .....
>def SvcDoRun(self):
>    self.stdout = sys.stdout
>    self.stderr = sys.stderr
>    sys.stdout = file("c:/temp/my.log", "a+", 0)
>    sys.stderr = sys.stderr
>    ....

Actually you don't have to restore the previous value; Python already 
saves the original value in sys.__stderr__ and restores it when 
program finishes.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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