How to pass a boolean to a stored proc using Cx_Oracle?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Fri Nov 24 20:33:35 EST 2006

At Wednesday 22/11/2006 15:37, JG wrote:

>I am using Python 2.4 and cx_Oracle.  I have a stored proc that takes two
>arguments.  First is an NUMBER, second is a BOOLEAN.  How do you call that
>stored procedure?
>After properly extablishing a connection, I have something like this:
>cursor = con.cursor()
>The problem I have ran into is that I keep getting an error from Oracle
>stating I don't have the variables defined in with the proper type.  I
>changed to proc just to test it, so that it would take two numbers.  I was
>able to make it run properly.
>So, what is the trick to pass a boolean?

I've never used cx_Oracle, but have you tried using 0/1 as False/True?

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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