profanity on comp.lang.python (was Re: Pyro stability)

Cliff Wells cliff at
Wed Nov 8 13:20:04 EST 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-08 at 10:12 -0800, Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
> BartlebyScrivener wrote:

> > I agree. And Python is an extremely serious matter calling for decorum
> > and propriety.
> >   
> Lol, is it really now?  And I suppose its your definition of decorum and 
> not mine right?  Things like that are always relative.  I think decorum 
> would state that you should be an adult and not make a big deal out of 
> nothing.  But that's just me, and as I said, its all relative.

I think you missed the irony in his statement (or perhaps confused
BartlebyScrivener with Beliavsky, who was the original plaintiff).


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