socket.error connection refused

Tim Williams tim at
Thu Nov 23 07:25:49 EST 2006

On 23 Nov 2006 04:09:18 -0800, Vania <vania.cIlli at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm not sure this is the proper forum but I try nevertheless.
> The problem I'am facing is that the socket library always fail to
> connect to an URL. The net effect is that I can not use setuptools.
> I'm using Python2.4 on a windows XPPRO Sp2 machine.
> The firewall is disabled.
> There is no NLTM proxy.
> I connect to the internet through a NAT server (and it works).
> Other than with easy_install I tried to connect to a number of external
> urls
> (all of them running) and even to localhost,
> directly in script using urllib
> and the error is always the same errno:  10061 connection refused.
> Any ideas?

A socket can't connect to a URL, a URL is an absolute location of an
internet resource, eg hostname + (virtual) location on a server + page
name.  A socket can connect to an IP address or hostname - which is
the first part of the URL after the "http://"  (or ftp:// etc)

You need to post a code snippet and the errors you are getting.

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