Localization - set to default on Windows

durumdara durumdara at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 04:26:43 EST 2006

Hi !

I want to set default locale on WXP.
I want to create a formatting tool that can set up format locale in the 
init, and next the formatter functions are use these settings.



def ToUnicode(text,  encoding = None):
    if encoding == None:
       encoding = defaultencoding

This is my test code that have been failed in more point.

    import locale
    # Get default
    print locale.getdefaultlocale('LANG')
    # Get actual
    print locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
    # Get default to "loc"
    loc, enc = locale.getdefaultlocale('LANG')
        # Try to set
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, loc)
    except Exception, msg:
        # An error
        print msg
    # Get actual
    print locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
    # Set manually
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "HU")
    # Get the actual locale
    print locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
    print locale.getdefaultlocale('LANG')

The result was:

     > Executing: C:\Program Files\ConTEXT\ConExec.exe
    "c:\python24\python" "c:\loc.py"

    ('hu_HU', 'cp1250')
    (None, None)
    unsupported locale setting
    (None, None)
    ('Hungarian_Hungary', '1250')
    ('hu_HU', 'cp1250')
     > Execution finished.

Two interesting thing I see:

   1. The default locale (hu_HU) is not correct parameter for setlocale.
      Why ? I want to determine and set up the locale automatically,
      with script !
   2. When I set locale with HU, then I cannot compare default locale
      with locale, to check it's state. These values are uncomparable:
      "HU", "hu_HU", "Hungarian_Hungary"...

Please help me: how to do this localization ?

Thanks for it:

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