print with variable justification (with *)

John Machin sjmachin at
Sat Nov 18 18:05:38 EST 2006

tom wrote:
> John Machin wrote:

> > Not quite so many folks come to Python with a background in C these
> > days. Is anyone aware of a tutorial that covers % formatting from a
> > standing start?
> If you're on a unix system you can probably do `man fprintf`, but it
> will mean wading through a lot of stuff you're no interested in.  This
> has a good little section on it though, specifically for python

Well done, tom, you've redeemed yourself! Those formatting examples are
just the ticket. I used that quick reference years ago when I started
out with Python, but I wasn't aware that it was still maintained, and
an advertisement for CSS as well. Bonus!


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