pyserial port connection problem

Jon jspeis at
Fri Nov 17 06:59:08 EST 2006


I wrote some code to read in info from a port using pyserial. the code
reads info sent by a box that is connected to my computer by an
rs232-to usb adapter. When I was writing the code and testing it on my
computer it worked fine.
I ran py2exe on the program (which uses wxpython for its gui) and sent
the output from the py2exe to another computer. now when I try to run
it on this other computer it fails to open the port. it gives the error
that it cannot createfile. the code I'm using to connect is the same as
it is when it worked on my computer.
I do notice that pyserial sees this port on the other computer as
\\\\.\\COM14 - while windows device manager displays it as COM14.
On the other computer the data is properly displayed in Hyperterminal
when opened on COM14.

how can I resolve this issue?


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