Will GPL Java eat into Python marketshare?

Boris Borcic bborcic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 05:55:18 EST 2006

John Bokma wrote:

>> Seriously though, there is no contradiction between the idea of
>> "people use Python instead of Java because they prefer to avoid pain"
> It sounds like a typical fanboy statement to me, since it implies that 
> Java is always a pain, and Python is perfect. 

That inference requires as preliminary convention, some clear contrafactual like 
"everybody uses Python and nobody uses Java".

IMO, this is a form of assumption that is only legitimate in the purpose of 
reaching agreement; while the OP's statement can be read as "those people who 
use Python instead of Java do it because..." without recourse to a similar 
assumption - what escapes your criticism.

Cheers, BB

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