Printing/writing an integer to a file

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Thu Nov 16 21:21:57 EST 2006

At Thursday 16/11/2006 22:33, PS wrote:

>I am new to python and did search on the web on how to achieve this:
>( I am trying to append the line numbers to all the lines of a file for now)

But you forget to say what went wrong... Next time, post the error 
message including the full traceback.
Using my crystal ball I can see a few problems here:

>import os, sys
>fileName = os.path.join("C:", "temp", "x1.txt")
>fileobject = open(fileName, 'r')
>outputDir = "C://temp//"
>linenumber = 0
>fileName1 = outputDir + " x2.txt"

I see that you already know how to build properly a file name using 
os.path.join - well, some lazyness is ok...

>fileobject1 = open(fileName1, 'w')
>while (1):
>     L = fileobject.readline()
>     if L=="":
>         print "**Done"
>         break

Usually that's written as:

for L in fileobject:
     ... do something ...
     print "** Done"

for is used to iterate over some sequence (or iterator), and a file 
acts as its own iterator, yielding one line at a time.
The else clause -optional- is executed when nothing remains to iterate.

>     linenumber += 1
>     fileobject1.write (ln)
>     fileobject1.write(":: "+ L)

I think here is your problem. You want the line number (printed as 
text), followed by two :, a space, and the original line contents. I'd use:

     fileobject1.write("%d:: %s" % (linenumber, L))

Enough for a good start. Happy pythoning!

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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