[Zopyrus] A python IDE for teaching that supports cyrillic i/o

Gleb Kulikov glebus at asd.iao.ru
Sat Nov 18 15:49:43 EST 2006

В сообщении от Воскресенье 19 Ноябрь 2006 01:01 Kirill Simonov написал:

> first programming language to high school students?  It is necessary

> Unfortunately, most IDEs I tried failed miserably in this respect.  My

> For the record, I've checked IDLE, PythonWin, Eric, DrPython, SPE, and

Pardon, eric (eric-3.9.0-alt1 is in use), "speak" Russian quite well.
We are trying to teach schoolers with a Python in an advanced elementary 
school (9th - 11th). Yes, there is a problem with Cyrillic in eric's built-in 
interpreter window (KOI8 locale is used) and *only* in the built-in 
interpreter window, but there is short workaround for it: if avoid "# -*- 
coding..." declaration, Cyrillic is painted well.

      Салют, /GLeb

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