Printing database output in tabular form

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Mon Nov 13 15:00:49 EST 2006

At Monday 13/11/2006 16:40, ronrsr wrote:

>when I try to print a web table containing output from a database, I am
>getting more info than I want- -
>I would like this to print w'o the array('c',    AND I'd like the
>control characters to print as HTML control chars.
>array('c', '- "In the boom years of 1990-1997 developing countries paid
>more in debt service than they received in new assistance."
>\\r\\n\\r\\n- "Africa pays out $13.5 billion in debt service every
>year." \\r\\n\\r\\n- "Africa spends four times as much on debt
>repayment a')

You get an *array* object from the database...? Which database? Is it 
stored as a BLOB field or similar?
You could transform it to string using the tostring method, and 
decode it to unicode.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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