Is there a commas-in-between idiom?

Tim Peters tim.peters at
Sun Nov 5 08:27:10 EST 2006

]Ernesto García García]
> it's very common that I have a list and I want to print it with commas
> in between. How do I do this in an easy manner, whithout having the
> annoying comma in the end?
> <code>
> list = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
> # the easy way
> for element in list:
>    print element, ',',
> print
> # this is what I really want. is there some way better?
> if (len(list) > 0):

More idiomatic as

    if len(list) > 0:

and even more so as plain

    if list:

>    print list[0],
>    for element in list[1:]:
>      print ',', element,

Do you really want a space before and after each inter-element comma?

> </code>

An often-overlooked alternative to playing with ",".join() is:

    print str(list)[1:-1]

That is, ask Python to change the list into a big string, and just
strip the brackets off each end:

>>> alist = ['a, bc', 4, True]
>>> print str(alist)[1:-1]
'a, bc', 4, True

Note the quotes around the string element!  This differs from what
your code snippet above would produce (in addition to differing wrt
spaces around inter-element commas):

    a, bc , 4 , True

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