win32com/python different behavour.

Roger Upole rupole at
Fri Nov 10 06:06:32 EST 2006

bli wrote:
>I have been developing an application driving a device through COM. I
> used win32com (brilliant )
> and was at a fairly advanced stage being able to access the functions
> of the device and access/ retrieve its data.
> A week or two ago I did some overdue upgrading to all the components of
> the application.win32com, python to 2.4.4 and wxpy to latest.
> Then the problem began (I think!).
> My app still accesses the device and some functions still perform as
> expected. Howeve some important data retrieval functions now behave
> very differently.
> Initially a tuple was returned, which was made into a list. This tuple
> returned (true,'1234xyz'), the first element was the success or failure
> of the operation, the second the required data.
> Now all these functions return only the boolean, True or False.
> I cannot seem to produce the tuple that initially worked extremely
> well.
> eg. initially
> xx.GetMACAddr(param1,param2)  <-- params as per 'intellisense' would
> return
> (True,'123xyz')
> now
> xx.GetMACAddr(param1,param2)  returns
> True    (type boolean)
> I have exhausted my relative inexperience on this one.
> Any Ideas  BTW VB extracts the data just fine , so I dont think that
> the Device or firmware is at fault here.
> Python has been great so far, I trust this problem is an oversight on
> my part.
> Thanks in keen anticipation for any ideas to get over this one!!
> I am in the middle of returning to Python 2.4.3 just to be sure that
> this is not the issue.

Try running makepy on the object's typelib.  It may have been done
for your previous version of python.  Occasionally this can cause a
change in the number of return values if the library is doing something


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