Exception Handling in TCPServer (was; Problem exiting application in Windows Console.)

Matimus mccredie at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 14:16:10 EST 2006

> This seems a really nasty hack though - any ideas for a cleaner way to
> do it?

You could overload handle_request instead. I think that makes more
sense anyway because you don't want to handle a SystemExit exception as
an error, you want to exit. Of course this only deals with catching the
exception, there may be a better method of shutting down and exiting
the server (other than sys.exit that is).

class HelpServer(HTTPServer):
    def handle_request(self):
            request, client_address = self.get_request()
        except socket.error:
        if self.verify_request(request, client_address):
                self.process_request(request, client_address)
            except SystemExit:
                raise SystemExit
                self.handle_error(request, client_address)

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