How do I stop Python IDLE (GUI) from immediately exiting when I enter it?

John (Z R) L lowz06 at
Mon Nov 20 15:11:32 EST 2006

> First of all: did you try to run the script using PythonWin and did you
> run it in a command window? What happened? What error messages did you
> get, if any?
> The script itself doesn't contain any errors. And in my IDLE it behaves
> perfectly well.
> And please, if you answer, keep the text you are answering. This is no web
> forum where you can see several postings at once.

The script is running perfectly fine now for some strange reason?? But
previously it wasn't.

I always type my script in a new Window of the IDLE interface, and when
I do "Run Module", the output appears in the main Python Shell (IDLE).

When I tried to run the script, "1,2,4" would appear, but the new
prompt (>>>) DOESN'T appear. So when I want to run other modules that I
made, Python Shell will say something like "Can't run script, in the
middle of another module process.".

So I have to exit the Python Shell, and then it says "You are currently
running a module, kill it?". I click "Yes", but when I reenter the
program, "1,2,4" suddenly appear on the output, then the program
immediately exits within half a second.

I solve this by deleting the .py and .pyc file which it keeps on
displaying, and the Python IDLE gets reset.

I don't have to delete stuff anymore because the scripts are running
fine now. But I'm worried that this error will happen again
(randomly?!), and I'll be in for more inconvenience...

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