Python development time is faster.

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Mon Nov 20 19:29:22 EST 2006

At Monday 20/11/2006 13:04, Sells, Fred wrote:

>My design goals are for a method to be <10 lines of code and a class
>definition to fit on one printed page (ok, 10pt font ;). I don't always
>achieve these goals, but more often than not.
>In order to achieve these goals, I seldom comment and rely on long function
>names and clear variable names.  Perhaps that's a bad thing, but I've found
>that the comments were always obsolete when I picked up someone else's code,
>then they just got in the way.

Docstrings are A Good Thing (TM).
I usually never write silly comments like this:
savedState = state # store the current state
but I always write an explanation when something is not done on the 
"obvious way" or following "common practice" - to prevent the "smart 
guy next door" (myself inclusive) from modifying it later just to 
discover it won't work that other way.
And loop invariants are good comments sometimes.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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