odict the Ordered Diction 0.2.2
inq1ltd at verizon.net
Wed Nov 29 23:55:51 EST 2006
Thanks for the post,
Its become a part time job keeping up with
On Wednesday 29 November 2006 09:41, Fuzzyman
> After a break of almost a year there has been
> an update to `odict the Ordered Dictionary
> <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/odict.html>
> The latest version is 0.2.2, with changes
> implemented by Nicola Larosa.
> Despite over 700 downloads since May (plus 1300
> as part of `pythonutils
> <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/pythonutils
>.html>`_) there have been no bug reports, only
> improvements [#]_. {sm;:-)}
> * `Quick Download
> <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/cgi-bin/voidspace/
> What is odict?
> ==========
> **odict** is a pure Python implementation of an
> ordered dictionary. It keeps keys in insertion
> order and allows you to change the order.
> Methods (including iteration) that would return
> members in an arbitrary order are now ordered.
> There is also the `SequenceOrderedDict
> <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/odict.html#
>sequenceordereddict>`_ that behaves like a
> sequence as well as a dictionary. It allows
> slicing and the keys, values and items methods
> are special sequence objects (which are also
> callable and so behave as methods too).
> What's New ?
> ==========
> Code
> -------
> Removed the TODO and CHANGELOG sections in the
> tail docstring (they are in the docs anyway).
> Disabled warnings during tests.
> Explicitly disabled tests execution on Python
> v.2.2 . In addition to the slicing tests, other
> ones are failing.
> Removed code duplication between the
> ``__init__`` and the ``update`` methods.
> Misc. cleanup.
> Also, based on code from `Tim Wegener`_:
> - added the ``rename`` method;
> - removed a ``has_key`` usage in the
> ``__setitem__`` method.
> Documentation
> ----------------------
> Moved the ISSUES chapter from code's tail
> docstring to here.
> Moved up the `Creating an Ordered Dictionary
> <http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/odict.html#
>creating-an-ordered-dictionary>`_ chapter.
> Added prompts to the code examples and removed
> the superfluous print statements (sometimes
> they were there, sometimes they were not).
> Misc. cleanup.
> .. [#] So either no-one is using it, or it's
> really good...
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