importing class
gmarkowsky at
gmarkowsky at
Mon Oct 30 09:57:33 EST 2006
Thanks for your help. Actually my idea was that command1 and command2
would be defined within the program, not the module, as I would have
different choices in different programs. Should I pass them in as a
parameter too?
Steve Holden wrote:
> gmarkowsky at wrote:
> > Thanks, I got that part. The problem I'm still having is that it's not
> > seeing things like text_1, which are defined in the program. How can I
> > make it see that?
> >
> Your module is intended to work with many different main programs, so it
> shouldn't make any assumptions about the names that the main program
> uses for things. That would be rather bad programming style ("rigind
> coupling" is something to be avoided where possible). I wouldn't call
> that class App just because it's misleading: maybe you could change the
> name to YesNo, or Choice, or something more indicative of its function?
> You could pass text_1 and text_2 as arguments to the class's __init__
> method - that way you could just use them directly.
> > Another question I should ask is whether I should even bother doing
> > this. That is, it seems that the elegant and approved way of doing this
> > kind of thing may be to put a class in a module and then just use the
> > module over and over again in programs. I'm making a few GUIs which
> > present two options and ask the user to chose one, so I thought I could
> > just do it this way. Of course I could very easily just copy and paste
> > the class into each file, but that seems silly. I haven't had any
> > trouble using modules for functions, but for classes it is not working
> > right so far, and I'm having trouble finding examples to follow.
> >
> Seems like parameterization is the thing you are missing. Change the
> __init__ method declaration to
> def __init__(self, master, text_1="OK", text_2="Cancel"):
> ...
> leaving the rest of the code the same. (Though I note your module also
> fails to define a "command1" and "command2" function, this may just be
> because you are only quoting partial code).
> Then in your main program create the object with
> myDialog = YesNo(master, "Yes", "No")
> Looks like you are new to Python - perseverre and you will pick it up
> quite quickly!
> regards
> Steve
> --
> Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
> Holden Web LLC/Ltd
> Skype: holdenweb
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