IDLE - Customizing output format
Ilias Lazaridis
ilias at
Sat Oct 7 19:59:20 EDT 2006
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> IDLE has an output format like this:
> >>> object
> <type 'object'>
> >>> type
> <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__class__
> <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__bases__
> How can I customize it to become like that:
> >>> object
> <type 'object'>
> >>> type
> <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__class__
> <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__bases__
> or that:
> >>> object
> : <type 'object'>
> >>> type
> : <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__class__
> : <type 'type'>
> >>> object.__bases__
> (preferably without modifying code)
I am close to finalizing this task, but have two tiny problems:
import the module from within a site_packages *.pth file, or
include the code into sitecustomize, or
import it withine an IDLE session:
import sys
class ClaimStdOut:
def __init__(self, stream, prefix):
self.stdout = stream #remember original stream
self.prefix = prefix
def write(self, output):
self.stdout.write(self.prefix + output)
#this one is _not_ executed on import:
sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '=== ')
def f(obj):
if obj is not None:
print repr(obj)
# Claiming StdOut here
sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '::: ')
#disable displayhook (which is just used to set stdout)
sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__
# this one _is_ executed on import
sys.displayhook = f
So, why is this line not executed during import?
sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '=== ')
additionally, the output of IDLE looks like this:
IDLE 1.1.3 ==== No Subprocess ====
>>> 1==1
[the new stdout is active now]
>>> 1==1
::: True:::
Possibly IDLE prints the CR/LF in a second call.
How can I compare this operating-system-independent?
if (output == <os.line-end-marker>):
self.stdout.write(self.prefix + output)
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