Adding Worksheets to an Excel Workbook

greg.rb ghalsey at
Tue Oct 10 19:08:10 EDT 2006

# here is a simple script:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible=1 #show me excel
xlApp.Workbooks.Add() #add a workbook

for r in range(1,5): #put data into spreadsheet row/column

for r in range(1,5): #read data from sheet
    print xlApp.Cells(r,r).Value

xlApp.Worksheets.Add()#add another sheet in same workbook.

for r in range(1,11): #put data into spreadsheet
    xlApp.Cells(1,r).Value=r #first row this tome


Good luck.

Here is a free Excel Object Model Overview:

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