Error to be resolved

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Oct 26 08:05:21 EDT 2006

Arun Nair wrote:

>        self.suit = suit
>        self.rank = rank
>        self.suit = ["None","Clubs","Diamonds","Hearts","Spades"]
>        self.rank = ["zero", "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", 
> "King"]

hint: what happens if two variables have the same name ?  can Python magically figure
   out which one you mean when you try to use one of them, or does something else

> File "D:\Charles Sturt University\

could you perhaps ask your advisors to drop by and tell us why he/she expects us to
do their job ?


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