Best way to handle large lists?

Chaz Ginger cginboston at
Tue Oct 3 10:06:18 EDT 2006

I've done that and decided that Python's 'list comprehension' isn't a
way to go. I was hoping that perhaps someone had some experience with
some C or C++ library that has a Python interface that would make a


Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> Bill Williams enlightened us with:
>> I don't know enough about Python internals, but the suggested
>> solutions all seem to involve scanning bigList. Can this presumably
>> linear operation be avoided by using dict or similar to find all
>> occurrences of smallist items in biglist and then deleting those
>> occurrences?
> And how would that beat O(n)? Every element of bigList has to be
> scanned at one point, either to compare it to every earlier element in
> bigList and eliminate it, or to compare it to every element in
> smallList.
> Run benchmarks on the suggestions, and see which is fastest for
> yourself.
> Sybren

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