Newbie: trying to twist my head around twisted (and python)

Jan Bakuwel jan.bakuwel at
Wed Oct 11 11:37:13 EDT 2006

Hoi Jean-Paul,

> The return value of eomReceived is used to determine whether to signal to
> the SMTP client whether the message has been accepted.  Regardless of your
> application logic, if you are taking responsibility for the message, you
> should return a successful result.  If all of your processing is
> synchronous,
> then you simply need to return twisted.internet.defer.succeed(None) at the
> end of the function.  If you have asynchronous processing to do (it does
> not
> appear as though you do), you will need to return a Deferred which only
> fires
> once that processing has been completed.

Many thanks... this helps me a great deal!

kind regards,

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