stripping parts of elements in a list

Bruno Desthuilliers onurb at xiludom.gro
Mon Oct 30 05:17:16 EST 2006

> folks,
> I am  new to python.
> I have a list made of elements
> ['amjad\n', 'kiki\n', 'jijiji\n']
> I am trying to  get rid of '\n' after each name.
>  to get list as
> ['amjad','kiki','jijiji']
> But list does not have a strip function as string does have.

What would a list.strip() method mean on a list of integers ?

> is there any solutions

mylist = ['amjad\n', 'kiki\n', 'jijiji\n']
print "with map : "
print map(str.lstrip, mylist)
print "with list comprehension :"
print [line.lstrip() for line in mylist]
print "with a for loop :"
strippedlist = []
for line in mylist:
print strippedlist

> Is there a way this can be done??

Probably. Reading some CS101 tutorial might be a good idea...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"

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