Restoring override of urllib.URLopener.open_https

Bakker A arno at
Thu Oct 5 22:22:23 EDT 2006

In article <16hai25meev3316o19tgmh646futjblfgl at>,
goyatlah  <seresta At wanadoo Dot nl> wrote:
>I think that you need a superclass above the M2Crypto one, and change
>the open_https method back to the urllibs one.

I'm not sure I get your suggestion. What the M2Crypto module does is:

	import m2urllib 

in its, which blatantly does

	from urllib import *
	URLopener.open_https = open_https
in turn, so there's no subclassing going on, and AFAIK, the original urllib
code is irreversibly overwritten. Am I right?


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