Collate Module
Ron Adam
rrr at
Mon Oct 23 08:35:30 EDT 2006
I've made a few more changes to my little collate module.
There might be better ways to handle the options, or better choices for the
options themselves. I tried to keep it as general as possible.
I think it should work with Unicode now too.
Any suggestions in making it faster will be appreciated.
Any minor improvements to wording, spelling, etc.. are also welcome.
Many thanks for all the terrific feed back and suggestions!
""" - Sorts lists of strings in various ways depending
options and locale.
Class: Collate(option_string)
collate(text, option_string) -> collate in place
result = collated(text, option_string) -> get a collated copy
To use collate with your user locale you need to call setlocale()
before collating:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
This will set several global variables such as string
constants, time and monitary formats, as well as numerical
formatting to your user Locale. Instead of '', you can also
specify a specific locale.
The setttings can be restored back to the default 'C' locale with
the following:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
tlist = [ 'Fruit', 'fruit-apple', 'fruit-bannana',
'nut-pecan', 'Nut' ]
collate(tlist, 'caps_first hyphen_as_space')
* For more examples see doctests in function test().
Author: Ron Adam, ron at
import re
import locale
import string
__version__ = '0.03 (pre-alpha) 10/23/2006'
class Collate(object):
""" A general purpose collator class.
Use: collate(text, option_string)
result = collated(text, option_string)
text = a list of strings
opton_string = a string of space separated options.
Collation can be modified with the following options:
CAPS_FIRST -> Aaa, aaa, Bbb, bbb
LOWERCASE_FIRST -> aaa, Aaa, bbb, Bbb
HYPHEN_AS_SPACE -> hyphens separate words
PERIOD_AS_SPACE -> Periods separate numerals
NUMERICAL -> Digit sequences as numerals
IGNORE_COMMAS -> Allows commas in numerals
UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE -> Underscore as white space
IGNORE_LEADING_WS -> Disregard leading white space
def __init__(self, flags=""):
locale_conv = locale.localeconv()
self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
self.dpoint = locale_conv['decimal_point']
self.thsep = locale_conv['thousands_sep']
pattern = ''.join([r'([\d\\', self.dpoint, r']*|\D*)'])
self.numrex = re.compile(pattern, re.LOCALE)
if flags:
flags = flags.upper().split()
for value in flags:
if value not in self.options:
raise ValueError, 'Invalid option: %s' % value
txtable = []
if 'HYPHEN_AS_SPACE' in flags:
txtable.append(('-', ' '))
if 'UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE' in flags:
txtable.append(('_', ' '))
if 'PERIOD_AS_SPACE' in flags:
txtable.append(('.', ' '))
if 'IGNORE_COMMAS' in flags:
txtable.append((',', ''))
self.txtable = txtable
self.capsfirst = (
sorted(['A','a'], key=locale.strxfrm) == ['A', 'a']
self.flags = flags
def transform(self, s):
""" Transform a string for collating.
if type(s) is unicode:
s = s.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
if not self.flags:
return locale.strxfrm(s)
for a, b in self.txtable:
s = s.replace(a, b)
if 'IGNORE_LEADING_WS' in self.flags:
s = s.lstrip()
if 'CAPS_FIRST' in self.flags and not self.capsfirst:
s = s.swapcase()
if 'LOWERCASE_FIRST' in self.flags and self.capsfirst:
s = s.swapcase()
if 'NUMERICAL' in self.flags:
slist = self.numrex.split(s)
for i, x in enumerate(slist):
if x: # slist may contain null strings
# inlined local.atof()
if self.thsep:
xx = x.replace(self.thsep, '')
if self.dpoint:
xx = xx.replace(self.dpoint, '.')
slist[i] = float(xx)
slist[i] = locale.strxfrm(x)
return slist
return locale.strxfrm(s)
def __call__(self, a):
""" This allows the Collate class to be used as a sort key.
USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
return self.transform(a)
def collate(slist, flags=[]):
""" Collate list of strings in place.
def collated(slist, flags=[]):
""" Return a collated list of strings.
return sorted(slist, key=Collate(flags).transform)
def test():
Initiat the current locale to the User locale settings.
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
'English_United States.1252'
Sort (and sorted) normally order all words beginning with caps
before all words beginning with lower case.
>>> t = ['tuesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'monday']
>>> sorted(t) # regular sort
['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'monday', 'tuesday']
Locale collation puts words beginning with caps after words
beginning with lower case of the same letter.
>>> collated(t)
['monday', 'Monday', 'tuesday', 'Tuesday']
The CAPS_FIRST option can be used to put all words beginning
with caps before words beginning in lowercase.
>>> collated(t, 'CAPS_FIRST')
['Monday', 'monday', 'Tuesday', 'tuesday']
The LOWERCASE_FIRST option can be used to put all words beginning
with lowercase before words beginning in caps.
>>> collated(t, 'LOWERCASE_FIRST')
['monday', 'Monday', 'tuesday', 'Tuesday']
Note: CAPS_FIRST also reverses the ascii behavior of putting all
lowercase words before all uppercase words.
The HYPHEN_AS_SPACE option causes hyphens to be equal to space.
>>> t = ['a-b', 'b-a', 'aa-b', 'bb-a']
>>> collated(t)
['aa-b', 'a-b', 'b-a', 'bb-a']
>>> collated(t, 'HYPHEN_AS_SPACE')
['a-b', 'aa-b', 'b-a', 'bb-a']
used together to improve ordering in some situations.
>>> t = ['sum', '__str__', 'about', ' round']
>>> collated(t)
[' round', '__str__', 'about', 'sum']
>>> collated(t, 'IGNORE_LEADING_WS')
['__str__', 'about', ' round', 'sum']
>>> collated(t, 'UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE')
[' round', '__str__', 'about', 'sum']
['about', ' round', '__str__', 'sum']
The NUMERICAL option orders sequences of digits as numerals.
>>> t = ['a5', 'a40', '4abc', '20abc', 'a10.2', '13.5b', 'b2']
>>> collated(t, 'NUMERICAL')
['4abc', '13.5b', '20abc', 'a5', 'a10.2', 'a40', 'b2']
The IGNORE_COMMAS option prevents commas from seperating numerals.
>>> t = ['a5', 'a4,000', '500b', '100,000b']
>>> collated(t, 'NUMERICAL IGNORE_COMMAS')
['500b', '100,000b', 'a5', 'a4,000']
The PERIOD_AS_COMMAS option can be used to sort version numbers
and other decimal seperated numbers.
>>> t = ['5.1.1', '5.10.12','5.2.2', '5.2.19' ]
>>> collated(t, 'NUMERICAL PERIOD_AS_SPACE')
['5.1.1', '5.2.2', '5.2.19', '5.10.12']
Collate also can be done in place by using collate() instead of
>>> t = ['Fred', 'Ron', 'Carol', 'Bob']
>>> collate(t)
>>> t
['Bob', 'Carol', 'Fred', 'Ron']
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