Application logging to screen and file - any favorite modules (no luck on cheeseshop)

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Sat Sep 23 05:57:58 EDT 2006

At Saturday 23/9/2006 06:35, Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:

> > Hello, I am looking for a module which has
> > * log levels
> > * output to stdout and file (either/or based on config)
> > * nicely formatted log output (e.g., indentation when appropriate)
>Sorry for being nosey, but how'd you use indentation in a log?

I do - what's wrong? Imagine the following on a single line...

[328] 2006-09-23T06:41:50 BLATHER(-100) VerboseSecurity Unauthorized: Your
[328]     user account does not have the required permission.  Access to
[328]     'manage_main' of (Folder instance at 033C8290) (/Softlab/otros)
[328]     denied. Your user account, softlab, exists at /acl_users. Access
[328]     requires one of the following roles: ['Softlab']. Your roles in this
[328]     context are ['Authenticated', 'Manager', 'Owner'].

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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