high level, fast XML package for Python?

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 10:23:37 EDT 2006

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Gleb Rybkin wrote:
>> I searched online, but couldn't really find a standard package for
>> working with Python and XML -- everybody seems to suggest different
>> ones.
>> Is there a standard xml package for Python? Preferably high-level, fast
>> and that can parse in-file, not in-memory since I  have to deal with
>> potentially MBs of data.
> cElementTree and lxml (which is API-compatible to the former). cElementTree
> has an incremental parser, which allows for lager-than-memory-files to be
> processed.

In Python 2.5, cElementTree and ElementTree will be available in the 
standard library as xml.etree.cElementTree and xml.etree.ElementTree. 
So learning them now is a great idea.


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