"ValueError: Empty module name" on basic import
Alain.montmory at thalesgroup.com
Fri Sep 29 08:25:25 EDT 2006
Hello everybody,
I am a newbie to python so I hope I am at the right place to expose my
problem..... :-[
I am working on linux mandrake 10.1 with python :
python -V
Python 2.3.4
I am trying o run the example which stay in the documentation in paragraph
http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.2/ext/pure-embedding.html 5.3 Pure Embedding
I download the code example from
I call the file "TestOfficiel.c" and I compile it with :
gcc -g -I/usr/include/python2.3/ TestOfficiel.c -o TestOfficiel
-lpython2.3 -ldl
all is OK (or seems to be...).
as stated in the documentation I creat a file "TestPythonFoo.py" which
def multiply(a,b):
print "Will compute", a, "times", b
c = 0
for i in range(0, a):
c = c + b
return c
I launch
./TestOfficiel ./TestPythonFoo.py multiply 3 2
and as a result :
ValueError: Empty module name
Failed to load "./TestPythonFoo.py"
if I try an absolute path to the python file :
./TestOfficiel `pwd`/TestPythonFoo.py multiply 3 2
I obtain :
ImportError: No module named
Failed to load
Of course the file exist :
[montmory at esoppe1 swigCallPython]$ ll
-rwxrwx--x 1 montmory esoppe 126 sep 29 14:04
I found lot of post about "ValueError: Empty module name" but no clear
solution (clear for me...).
What's wrong ?
my python version?
Additionnal informations :
gcc version 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)
Thanks for your help,
best regards,
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