Python blogging software
Cliff Wells
cliff at
Wed Sep 13 17:25:01 EDT 2006
On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 08:22 -0700, Fuzzyman wrote:
> Cliff Wells wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 00:29 -0700, Cliff Wells wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone aware of any functional (doesn't need to be complete, beta is
> > > fine) blog software written in Python?
> >
> > Hmph. And as soon as I hit send I find
> >
> >
> >
> > Okay, so is there any *not* on that list that should be considered (and
> > perhaps added to the list)?
> Firedrop2 is a client-side blog program (generates static HTML to be
> uploaded to your webserver).
I looked at this but didn't care for it as it doesn't appear to allow
for comments (feature-wise it's a few steps down from Frog, which I
already have working).
For anyone who's interested, what I finally settled on was Bitakora. It
violated one of my own requirements (it runs on Zope), but because it's
multiuser and quite featureful and modern, the tradeoff seemed worth it:
I will say that installing it was something of a pain. If the Zope guys
want to know why Zope has been left behind, one of the first things I'd
suggest is to clean up Bitakora has several dependencies and
nearly all of the links to these dependencies led me on a wild goose
chase of broken links, multiple incompatible versions, incompatible
forks, etc.
For those who might follow in my footsteps, the dependencies (with
correct links to correct versions) are:
It also depends on BTreeFolder2, but that's included in the latest Zope
2.8 series.
I think the worst of all of these was surprisingly Epoz. There are at
least three distinct branches of this product: the original
(deprecated), it's replacement (kupu), and a fork (which happens to be
the correct one). The information on gives little indication
that there might be such a fork (but is quite happy to lead you in
circles). I noticed that several of the products mentioned the pain of
maintaining software on (and so had moved their software
elsewhere), so this is probably the root of the problem.
Anyway, Zope complaints aside, Bitakora is really great and I'd
recommend that anyone looking for a friendly, multiuser blog take a
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